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Food safety and eating out


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Dining out can be a fun change of pace, but a nice restaurant meal can be ruined by food poisoning.

The regulations should be made for each and every Restaurant so that it must operate under strict public health regulations, but it is still important to be cautious when it comes to eating in a restaurant.

Follow these tips to make sure you don't bring a case of food poisoning home with you.

1-Check for cleanliness

2-If food is not cooked properly, don't be afraid to send it back

3-Be cautious about raw meat, poultry, eggs and seafood.

4-Don't be nonchalant with food allergies.

5-Be careful with leftovers

If you think you or someone you know got sick from food, please report it to your local health department.

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 The main issue with restaurants  the criteria for licensing, periodic inspection not well followed. The other reason knowledge and competence of food inspector in local govt, sometimes  heakth inspector who dont have food safety knowledge do the licensing and inspection 

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