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  1. Yes, vegan logo should be taken into consideration by various nations. It has been observed that many companies make false claims on their products having descriptive labels such as “suitable for vegans” or “vegan friendly” meaning the use of such terms is likely to be inconsistent at best and misleading at worse. Proper regulations and guidelines should be given to producers by the government,so that any information provided voluntarily must not mislead consumers or be ambiguous or confusing
  2. Yes, Allergen information on food label is very important and it should be clearly visible to the consumer.It has been observed that, both allergic and non-allergic consumers find allergen information difficult to interpret on packaged foods and misunderstand PAL(precautionary allergen label), incorrectly distinguishing different risk levels for different PAL wording. Clearer allergy information guidelines are called for, and the use of only one PAL wording is recommended which should be clearly visible and should have readable font size.
  3. Dining out can be a fun change of pace, but a nice restaurant meal can be ruined by food poisoning. The regulations should be made for each and every Restaurant so that it must operate under strict public health regulations, but it is still important to be cautious when it comes to eating in a restaurant. Follow these tips to make sure you don't bring a case of food poisoning home with you. 1-Check for cleanliness 2-If food is not cooked properly, don't be afraid to send it back 3-Be cautious about raw meat, poultry, eggs and seafood. 4-Don't be nonchalant with food allergies. 5-Be careful with leftovers If you think you or someone you know got sick from food, please report it to your local health department.
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