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Scalp bot for buying NVIDIA QPB Bot

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Since the start of sales I monitor all stores and sites, I can not buy RTX 5090, 5080 has already appeared almost everywhere, but where is 5090? Has anyone from real users managed to buy? Not from bloggers/streamers to whom the manufacturer sent, but real buyers? Share how you managed to buy, I read posts on videocardz as people scalper bots bought out before the start of sales, it's not normal all.....
But they are discussing the melting of the 2v6pin connector.
Found this site for 5 dollars offer to buy a scalper bot for newegg that would buy 5090, I paid for it seems to work, but the cards are not yet on the site they write that they will warn from the start that they have an employee working there.....


Share maybe there are bots for other sites?

[url=https://qpb-bot.com/]Scalp bot NVIDIA[/url]
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