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Posts posted by sumesato

  1. Actually this is a serious issue, the issue can  solve only by  educating parents, especially mothers,  UK imposed sugar tax to collect  extra fund for find expense to treat  health conditions caused by  excess sugar intake. Govt face   huge amount of money for public health expenses for  diabetic related  treatments. Sugar tax like policy helps to understand why consumers pay extra money for eating  extra sugar.  But many countries not impose sugar tax though their population  facing   health issues due to high sugar intake. This is a serious issue

    Taxation on sugary drinks is an effective intervention to reduce sugar consumption . Evidence shows that a tax on sugary drinks that rises prices by 20% can lead to a reduction in consumption of around 20%, thus preventing obesity and diabetics

  2. Actually  the young people become obese and having diabetics  due to influence of junk food advertisements. Govt can regulate, otherwise, they pay more money  to spend for health expense of public. Unfortunately, junk food sale  give lot GST to Govt. Childhood obesity, Juvenile diabetics  and adult diabetics  directly related with Junk food  consumption, which promoted by retail advertisements influencing children

    I think why Govt cannot have policy on Junk food advt. London  city banned junk food advts in public transport due to better health for public.

    A new study from top academics has claimed 100,000 obesity cases have been prevented due to a ban on junk food advertising on the Transport for London (TfL) network.


    Since February 2019, adverts for foods high in calories from sugar or fat, or high in salt, have been banned across the TfL network.

    Food and drink brands, restaurants, takeaways and delivery services are only allowed to place adverts that promote healthier products - rather than simply publicising brands.


    Cattle are the No. 1 agricultural source of greenhouse gases worldwide. Each year, a single cow will belch about 220 pounds of methane. Many people worried about climate change due  to  cattle farming  and many thinks that, swine fever ( H1NN1), avian influenza like zoonotic disease can affect by meat consumption.

    So more people prefer vegan, vegetarian food products


  4.  The main issue with restaurants  the criteria for licensing, periodic inspection not well followed. The other reason knowledge and competence of food inspector in local govt, sometimes  heakth inspector who dont have food safety knowledge do the licensing and inspection 

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  5. Many countries  neglect the demand of vegans to put mandatory regulatory requirement of  vegan label in vegan products, but Many  food regulators thought it is a voluntary requirement. The issue  is Products labelled and marketed as suitable for vegans and vegetarians have been found to contain traces of animal substances, originating from shared production lines and equipment during the manufacturing process or a contaminated product in the supply chain.

    The central government published the final notification for Food and Safety Standards (Vegan) Regulations, 2022. It specified what constitutes vegan food, what kind of labelling/packaging will be required for it and the compliances for Food Business Operators too. 

    Do you support all countries must follow vegan labelling like that of Halal?

  6. Various food products showing allergic ingredients in different places and different colours and very small fonts. Consumers facing difficulty to find and read these labels.  Few countries like NZ now agreed allergic labels must be in specific colours and a particular font size and be in a specific area of package. Do you agree this will be  useful 

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